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Judy McDonald, executive director of Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County, will retire from the organization in January.
Over the course of 28 years, McDonald has led the award-winning leader in the public workforce development arena at both the state and national levels.
“Judy’s commitment to our cause and ability to inspire and mobilize our team has been instrumental in achieving our goals,” said Tyrone Taylor, Workforce Development board chair, in a statement. “From launching innovative programs to advocating for essential services, McDonald’s contributions have left an indelible mark on our organization and the communities we serve.”
A search committee has been formed to identify McDonald’s successor.
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County, under the direction of the Texas Workforce Commission, is one of 28 local workforce development boards throughout the state. WSTC’s primary goal is to meet the needs of Tarrant County employers and workers through locally designed market-driven workforce development initiatives and services.
All employers, workers and job seekers are eligible to take advantage of these services.
The 29-member Workforce Development Board is made up of business and community leaders and is chaired by Taylor. The WDB works in partnership with the Workforce Governing Board, which is composed of Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker, Arlington Mayor Jim Ross, and chaired by Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare, to oversee Workforce services in Tarrant County.