Ed Kraus, the interim Fort Worth Police chief, will take over the job permanently, after City Manager David Cooke offered him the job, the department tweeted Wednesday night.
“We are pleased to announce that City Manager David Cooke offered Interim Chief Ed Kraus the Fort Worth Chief of Police assignment to which he accepted,” the department said. City officials scheduled a 3:30 p.m. news conference Thursday at Fort Worth City Hall to make a formal announcement, the Police Department said in its tweet.
Mayor Betsy Price said in a statement after the Police announcement that “the decision to continue the leadership of the Fort Worth Police Department under Chief Kraus is the right choice. I have always been impressed with Kraus’ professionalism, leadership, and rapport within the community, rank and file officers, and city management. A homegrown officer who has served Fort Worth for more than 26 years, Kraus is a well-respected leader with a servant’s heart.”
Kraus replaces the fired chief, Joel Fitzgerald.