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Fort Worth’s net sales tax collections in July totaled $17,694,876, up from July 2021 by 9.3%.
The state saw a net collection increase of 13% compared to the same month last year.
The city’s General Fund net sales tax collections year to date are 117.8% to budget, and at 116.3% compared to the year-to-date total last year. The city’s Crime Control and Prevention District Fund sales tax collections for June are 117.8% to budget and 116.7% of the year-to-date total for the same month last year.
The city anticipates collecting $204,500,000 by fiscal year end, an increase of $21.6 million, or 11.8%, over the fiscal year 2022 adopted budget.
Sales tax revenue represents 22% of the city’s General Fund budget. This is the second-largest revenue source, with property taxes being the largest.
For the Crime Control and Prevention District, sales tax revenue represents the largest revenue source.