Good thing we had had our coffee or Coke Zero, or whatever, by the time we had been confronted with an unpleasant reality on Wednesday morning.
The Fort Worth Alliance air show — formally known as the AllianceTexas Aviation Expo — is off for 2023 and its future, by the looks of it, is shrouded in doubt. A press release announcing the cancellation gave few details, citing only “conflicts in scheduling and logistics.”
“We completely understand and are sensitive to the disappointment of the many loyal and dedicated sponsors, volunteers, and fans.” Future events, the press release said, “are being evaluated.”
The air show had become a fall tradition and regarded as one of the best in the nation, conducted every October at the Fort Worth Alliance Airport for the past 32 years. Aviation leaders and enthusiasts gathered each year while showcasing the growth of the Alliance region.
Demonstration teams featured included the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and U.S. Navy Blue Angels, among many others. Alliance officials estimate that the show entertained hundreds of thousands of families during that time.
“We remain committed to the goals of bringing family entertainment to North Texas, supporting local communities, and opening doors to various career paths in aviation and aerospace,” the press release concluded.